
Amon Carter Changing Views Capital Campaign


Amon Carter
Changing Views
Capital Campaign

In the fall of 2019, the Amon Carter Museum of Art in Fort Worth spearheaded a fundraising campaign called “Changing Views: A Campaign for the New Carter.” Funds collected by the campaign went towards updating and expanding the Amon Carter’s cold storage photography vault, creating new art galleries with updated walls, lights, and flooring, and building wheelchair ramps in the front entrance for greater accessibility.

With elements from the new Amon Carter brand identity, I utilized the museum’s primary colors (Carter Blue, Black, and White) and fonts (Gotham Light and Black) to construct the campaign’s materials. The word “NEW,” highlighted and emphasized in the campaign name, was leveraged as a bold identity element. Typographic patterns and statements used across the campaign loudly exclaimed plans to transform the Carter into an entirely new museum for a new modern audience.

The campaign was ultimately successful, raising $12.9 million dollars from 180 donors, above the museum’s $11 million fundraising goal. (Created at RBMM, Art Direction: Jeff Barfoot, Phil Smith)

Changing Views campaign pattern

Changing Views case statement booklet and enclosing folder that was distributed to high-level patrons


Changing Views case statement cover and opening spread
